Call us! 209-217-7253
Welcome, this is the newest company we added to Grimoire Life, a Family Company.
Questions? Email us at
Where we have been.
TSOC Info- Vendors & Guests
Booth Prices will NOT go up. If you leave early, you will not receive a refund, but you will not need to donate. We are not responsible for any lost or stolen items. When purchasing your booth, you're acknowledging, that you have read this info and are aware.
You will have a 6-foot by 10-foot space in the Park and a 6x6 inside the hotel or Wells Building. We will provide one meal a day and a beverage of your choice.
You will receive 90-day passes to Paraflixx Paranormal+.
Discounted entry into any event within the main event. FREE parking!
Step One
Paraflixx will be filming and everyone needs to fill this out before buying tickets and or vendor tables.